Outpatient psychiatry clinic

Outpatient psychiatry clinic
Our psychiatrists provide professional care and are open to progressive methods of treating mental illness. We approach our clients individually, humanely and with empathy.
Many of our psychiatrists, in addition to psychiatric qualifications, also have relevant psychotherapeutic training. We provide routine diagnostic testing and long-term outpatient care for the entire diagnostic spectrum. Patients with suitable conditions can be, upon interest, enrolled in clinical studies involving psychedelics, which are not currently approved for regular medical use.
For professionals: We focus on neurotic spectrum disorders, personality disorders, and the differential diagnosis of psychotic disorders, especially those induced by substances.
We focus on providing help (diagnosis and appropriate treatment) with a broad spectrum of issues:
- Depression
- Life crisis
- Distortion of contact with reality
- Anxiety
- Adjustment to challenging events
- Disorders induced by the use of psychoactive substances
- Distorted personality development
- Response to traumatic events
- and more
Additional services of
the psychiatric outpatient clinic

Psychiatric rehabilitation
To further assist our clients during the treatment process, we offer psychiatric rehabilitation sessions conducted by our psychiatric nurse practitioner. The goal is to bring about positive changes in the client’s life and activities, such as daily household tasks (cleaning, cooking), managing relationships at work and with family, etc.
- The goal of rehabilitation is to improve the client’sself-care skills for both physical and mental health and to prevent relapse of their condition.
- We also try to help the client become more active and enjoy a better quality of participation in daily life.
- This includes supportive counselling on any topic according to the client’s needs.
- Counselling may be provided regarding the client’s prescribed medications.
- We also offer counselling for the client’s family to educate them about the client’s condition and treatment for further support.
- The client is guided to maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain active in their daily life (due to the side effects of some medications, certain clients may have an increased appetite and may become overweight or obese).
- We encourage clients to participate in recreational and social activities.
- Sessions are conducted in our clinic in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
- Rehabilitation sessions are intended for our clients who are insured by VZP (111), VoZP (201), OZP (207), ZP MV ČR (211), ZPŠ (209) or ČPZP (205), and are indicated for rehabilitation by their psychiatrist.
- This typically includes clients with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, but also personality disorders or psychotic disorders.

Outpatient clinic of internal medicine
In addition to our outpatient psychiatric clinic, there is also an internal medicine and cardiology clinic on the Psyon premises. Here you can undergo the physiological tests and examinations that are required prior to admission to ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. This gives our clients the unique opportunity to have all examinations and treatments conveniently carried out under one roof.
- We specialize in internal medicine and cardiological examinations. Our doctors are also employees of the General University Hospital in Prague and are certified in both internal medicine and cardiology.
- We focus on reducing certain risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) that are often overlooked by conventional medicine, such as long-term emotional distress from unresolved personal, relationship or family problems.
- We offer medical eligibility assessments for Psyon clients prior to admission to ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.
Please contact us at: kovarnik@kardio-psyche.cz to schedule an appointment.
Price list
Outpatient psychiatric clinic
Standard services

Other chargeable procedures